Verbatim has a number of specific measures in place to reduce the impact that our company and products have on the environment. With our energy-efficient policies and the use of environmentally-friendly materials in our manufacturing and packaging, we continue to find ways to increase the sustainability of our products.
Energy Efficient Warehouse
Verbatim’s European warehouse has been certified to the international standards BS OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001. With the ISO 50001 certificate, it complies with the national requirements of the EU Energy Efficiency Guidelines, which were implemented in Germany by the Energy Services Act (EDL-G). All of our factories and contract logistics sites have environment management systems in place that comply with ISO 14001.
Low Carbon Footprint
As a company, we are committed to follow a plan to lower our Carbon Footprint throughout our operations, reducing the impact that we have on the environment in terms of emissions and energy consumption. Introducing home working, e-learning and extending video conferencing services have far lessened the environmental impact of travelling for every day work and internal meetings. We use a carbon-neutral shipping service which includes the use of electric or natural-gas powered vehicles and offsetting any transport emissions that cannot be avoided.
Environmentally Friendly Packaging
We work with our vendors to aim to use the most environmentally friendly materials, which are recyclable or made of recycled materials. We are reducing the amounts of plastic used in our packaging, replacing it with more sustainable materials and reducing the amount of overall packaging where possible. Smaller packaging means fewer shipments as you can fit more units into the same amount of space.